Sep 12, 2022

The Best Natural Supplements for PMS

Are you looking for natural supplements to help combat the symptoms of PMS? If PMS has negatively affected your life, we have good news for you: relief is available.

The Mayo Clinic reports that 3 out of every 4 women suffer with PMS-related complaints each month. Sadly, 20% of these PMS sufferers experience sufficient symptoms to cause disruption to their daily routine. From bloating and headaches to intense food cravings, irritability, excessive fatigue, and recurring pain, the symptoms are varied but do tend to form a predictable pattern for most women. 

Thankfully, Mother Nature’s herbs, tinctures, and natural extracts offer the perfect solution to the pains of PMS. Continue reading to discover the best natural supplements to help alleviate the most common PMS problems:

  • Black Currant Seed Oil

Black currant seed oil goes by a number of different names including cassis, European black currant, feuille de cassis, and more. Derived from a plant, the seed oil, leaves, fruit, and flowers of the black currant all have beneficial medical uses. 

For the treatment of PMS, black currant seed oil is particularly effective for supporting overall immunity and reducing inflammation and pain. The active ingredient in this herbal remedy is gamma-linolenic acid, a substance that boosts the immune system and decreases fluid retention. 

Other symptoms positively impacted by black currant seed oil include breast tenderness and pain. 

By taking one soft gel per day of black currant seed oil, proper eicosanoid synthesis is supported, providing better hormonal balance and decreased inflammation. This natural supplement also assists with healing the body’s tissues.

  • Catalyn

Catalyn is a type of whole food multivitamin that provides total support for the body. Its formulation is jam packed with nutrients which include enzymes, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and trace minerals. 

Among the ingredients found in this powerhouse natural supplement are carrots, alfalfa, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, mushrooms, kidney powder, spleen powder, and liver powder.

What makes Catalyn particularly effective for PMS sufferers is the inclusion of live enzymes in each capsule. The living enzymes help support optimal digestion and assist with cell and tissue regeneration. 

Two tablets per day are recommended. 

  • Hypothalamus PMG®

Feeling weepy, irritable, or overemotional? This is one supplement that can really make a difference for you!

A trademarked natural product, Hypothalamus PMG has been specifically designed to support the ideal health of the hypothalamus gland. The hypothalamus is responsible for helping to regulate the emotions, a powerful area of the body affected by PMS. 

The pathway between the endocrine and central nervous systems, the hypothalamus is critical to proper cardiovascular health, metabolism, body temperature regulation, appropriate sleep levels, hormone release, and appetite control. 

Hypothalamus PMG includes bovine hypothalamus extract from as well as animal-derived Protomorphogen and calcium lactate. 

The recommended dosage of this natural supplement formulated specifically to promote the optimal health of the hypothalamus is one tablet.

  • Symplex® F

Symplex F is a proprietary blend of nucleoprotein-minerals to provide correct hormonal balance for women of all ages. Designed to provide support for the ovaries, adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands, Symplex F assists with optimal cell and ovary health and correct hormonal function.  

Since proper gland function is critical to organ health, keeping each performing optimally is key to ongoing wellness and relief from troubling PMS symptoms. Symplex F is made from bovine gland and organ extracts. 

One tablet per day is the recommended dosage for optimal health benefits. 

  • Tuna Omega-3 Oil

As estrogen levels drop in preparation for menstruation, serotonin production is decreased. As a result, you may suffer from the PMS blues or even more serious feelings of depression. An essential fatty acid supplement such as tuna omega 3 oil is the best way to combat this. 

Increasing your intake of essential fatty acid rich foods will help with any PMS-related mood swings. In addition to this, a tuna omega 3 oil will help stimulate the release of serotonin through the additional boost of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) and vitamin D. The benefits of consuming this natural supplement include stress reduction, improved sleep, and mood regulation. 

Tuna omega 3 oil is also believed to assist with reducing inflammation and pain and decreased brain fog. 

The ideal dosage of tuna omega 3 oil is two soft gel capsules per day. 

For your ultimate convenience, you can purchase a daily package containing all five of these supplements at WholeBody Solutions

  • Shatavarai

Shatavarai is a commonly utilized natural supplement to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS. An organic anti-inflammatory product, shatavarai is considered to be a superfood that naturally reduces water retention and bloating. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, shatavarai is also known to help calm tense muscles, promoting relaxed uterine tissue for pain relief. 

One of the main uses for this natural health product is the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS.) Stress is one of the key contributing factors to deteriorating reproductive health, leading to a number of different health conditions affecting the ovaries. Shatavarai has long been a recommended PCOS treatment by the Ayurvedic school of alternative medicine. 

A study found in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology in 2014 indicated that shatavarai was particularly effective at helping combat anxiety and depression through its relationship to both serotonin and the gamma-aminobuytric acid (GABA) system. This natural supplement helps to encourage the production of serotonin and to regulate mood. 

A final reproductive health benefit of the use of shatavarai is its ability to help cool the body. Though not necessarily a symptom of PMS, this natural cooling effect is of great help to those suffering from menopause.

  • Schisandra

The most recommended natural supplement by many leading Chinese reproductive health specialists, schisandra is also sometimes referred to as Wu Wei Zi (the “five taste fruit.) This berry is quite unique in that it represents all five elements, and therefore, is prized to help the five main organs of the human body. 

The benefits of schisandra use are multi-pronged. An important help in women’s health, this natural supplement assists with improving memory, reducing anxiety, and regulating mood. As an added bonus, schisandra tastes good!

  • White Peony

White peony, or Paeonia lactiflora, is often utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies. The key medicinal part of the plant is its root. 

When used in conjunction with other herbal remedies, white peony provides support for optimal fertility. In addition to its efficacy alongside other herbs, white peony can safely be used with Western medicines. 

One of the strengths of white peony is its ability to reduce pain associated with menstruation, PCOS, uterine fibroids, and other female reproductive disorders. 

An ingredient in white peony known as paeonflorin has been reported to have excellent muscle relaxing capabilities and also is an effective pain reliever. White peony can be administered with licorice root to help with the treatment of dysmenorrhea. It is also highly recommended in conjunction with Dong Quai to assist with alleviating iron deficient anemia. 

Femco is an excellent natural supplement that combines these three herbs into one highly effective herbal remedy for PMS symptoms. 

  • Ferrofood

 Ferrofood is a brand name natural supplement used to treat iron and blood loss from menstruation and other causes. First brought to the market in 1944, Ferrofood contains sufficient iron to help meet the body’s daily requirements for this crucial mineral. 

This natural product helps to keep the blood healthy while encouraging regular blood production. Cellular health is promoted through the additional iron to help with hemoglobin function. 

Science Daily indicates their research shows that women who ate an iron-rich diet were 30 to 40% less at risk for developing PMS symptoms. This study also concluded the same benefits applied to women who regularly consumed the proper dosage of a natural iron supplement. 

Are you struggling with ongoing PMS problems? 

Whole Body Solutions can help you find relief. 

Our expert team has over 30 years of experience helping women enjoy better reproductive health. 

Founded by Dr. Ann Doggett, a well-respected chiropractor and nutritionist, your health and wellness are in the hands of trusted professionals with WholeBody Solutions taking care of your needs. 

Contact the WholeBody Solutions team via phone at 617-328-6300 or email at [email protected] for a consultation. Relief from your  symptoms is just a phone call away. 


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