Apr 15, 2022

The Best Natural Remedies for Your Seasonal Allergies

Do you struggle with seasonal allergies? Looking for seasonal allergies treatment? In this article, we’ll discuss what causes seasonal allergies and the bad news about climate change and allergies. We’ll also explore 6 natural remedies that can help fix the root causes of seasonal allergies and share the best natural supplements for allergy relief.


Read on for the best natural remedies for your seasonal allergies.


What Causes Seasonal Allergies – And How They May Worsen by Year 2100

While seasonal allergies are generally worse in spring, they can also manifest in summer and even fall. When trees, grasses, and plants begin to pollinate, they release microscopic particles of pollen. Each particle can be anywhere from 10-200 microns across. These particles are easily inhaled and then provoke a seasonal allergic reaction.


According to researchers at the University of Michigan, climate change could make allergy season even longer by the end of the 21st century. If our climate continues to heat up, the amount of pollen released into the atmosphere could double by 2100.


Professor Allison Steiner led a team of researchers who developed a predictive model for the top 15 pollen types and their potential response to climate change. Their model was correlated with data from 1995-2014. Then, the model was used to predict how much pollen will be produced in the last two decades of our century.


The Body’s Response to Allergens

When pollen (or other allergens) are absorbed into the body, it can provoke an immune system response. The body produces antibodies, which attach themselves to the allergens. Next, specialized immune cells (called mast cells) release histamine. Histamine causes the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes, and respiratory tract to become irritated and inflamed. This quickly produces the following symptoms that allergy sufferers know all too well.


  • Sinusitis – inflammation of the sinuses, headaches
  • Conjunctivitis – watering, itchy eyes
  • Irritated throat
  • Rhinitis – inflammation of the nose, runny nose, sneezing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cough or wheezy breathing
  • Sleep loss


Often, people try to counteract seasonal allergies with common over-the-counter medications. But these only mask the root issue and fail to address the immune system appropriately.


Seasonal Allergies Vs. Covid-19

At this time of year, some people wonder what the difference is between seasonal allergies and Covid-19. After all, they both cause symptoms like headache, fatigue, a cough, and a runny nose. However, if you take a closer look at the symptoms, you should be able to spot the difference.


Here are a few key points that will help you distinguish between seasonal allergies vs. Covid-19.


  • Allergy coughs are usually wet and cause something to be coughed up. Covid coughs are generally dry.
  • Allergies cause mild fatigue. Covid causes intense fatigue.
  • The nasal discharge tends to be clear for allergies but thick and mucousy for Covid.


These symptoms occur for Covid-19 but not for allergies. If you have them, it’s more likely that you have contracted coronavirus.


  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Muscle/body aches
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea


And the following symptoms are caused by allergies but not by Covid-19.


  • Itchy/watery eyes
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Post-nasal drip


If in doubt, speak to your medical provider or take a rapid test for Covid-19. 


Top Natural Remedies for Relief from Seasonal Allergies

If you are looking for a more holistic approach to allergy relief, you may want to consider natural remedies for seasonal allergies relief. Many botanical supplements have natural antihistamine properties. They can prevent or lessen the troublesome symptoms of seasonal allergies. Read on to learn about 6 critical anti-allergy remedies.


How Echinacea Can Support Your Immune Response

When your immune system responds to a threat (be it an allergen, a bacterium, or a virus), it involves several different types of cells. T-cells are white blood cells that kill infected cells and help recruit other immune cells to fight the intruder. They play a crucial role in coordinating your immune response.


Echinacea (coneflower) is an immunomodulator, which regulates the immune system response. When your immune system overreacts to an allergen, echinacea can help calm it down. It also helps restore the balance of two types of T-cells, Th1 and Th2.


In addition, taking echinacea before symptoms appear can strengthen your immune system and help prevent seasonal allergy symptoms. 


Albizia – Help Control Seasonal Allergies

A herb used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, the stem bark of Albizia lebbek is a key anti-inflammatory supplement. It effectively regulates histamine release and immune response, which can reduce the symptoms of allergies. 


One 2011 study of allergy-sensitized rats showed that treatment with Alibizia extract decreased the rats’ sneezing and nasal irritation. When rats were given Alibizia extract before being exposed to the allergen, it also reduced histamine levels in the nasal passages. 


Albizia is an effective natural remedy for seasonal allergies because it addresses the root causes of symptoms.


Chinese Skullcap – Reduce Allergy-Induced Inflammation 

Chinese Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is a crucial remedy from traditional Chinese medicine. This herb contains the flavonoid baicalein, which has potent anti-inflammatory effects. It can inhibit anaphylaxis and decrease the body’s histamine response to allergens, according to a 2006 European study


In a 2016 study, Chinese Skullcap was shown to help relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and inhibit the inflammatory response in guinea pigs. The same study also measured the impact of baicalein on human mast cells in vitro. On the human cells, baicalein suppressed the release of histamine and prevented the immune response. This is why Chinese Skullcap is a key remedy for seasonal allergies.


Nigella Sativa (Black Seed) – Treat Allergic Rhinitis

Also called black seed oil, this herb is chiefly grown in India, the Middle East, and parts of Europe. Used throughout history in cuisine, it is a popular home remedy in modern times thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


The most important active compound of Nigella sativa is thymoquinone, which reduces inflammation caused by seasonal allergies. It’s particularly helpful for rhinitis symptoms – runny nose, itchy throat, sneezing, asthma, and irritated skin. Thymoquinone also has anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties, which are most potent in freshly extracted oil, according to a 2019 study


No wonder Nigella Sativa is an excellent natural remedy for seasonal allergies!


Eyebright – Treat Sore and Itchy Eyes and Runny Nose

A native of Europe, eyebright (Euphrasis officinalis) is a flowering plant that appeared in a 1485 German book on medicinal herbs. Over the centuries, it was used for eye problems, bronchial colds, and its purported benefits for brain health. Even today, people in the Highland regions of Scotland use an infusion of eyebright in milk to treat sore eyes. 


Eyebright is an excellent natural remedy for seasonal allergies because it can relieve itchy eyes. It also contains astringent-tannins that tighten the mucous membranes and reduce discharge. And its flavonoids and other active compounds can help reduce cough and chest congestion. It’s an important supplement to consider for your allergy relief.


Marshmallow Root – Calm the Respiratory System and Boost Immunity

As far back as ancient Egypt, the root of Althaea officinalis has been grown for its nutritional properties. It helps calm down the respiratory system and can reduce the symptoms of asthma, wheezy breath, and mucus in the throat and lungs. This is good news if you are looking for seasonal allergy relief!


Marshmallow root can also strengthen and support your immune system thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also reduces inflammation, which is key to resolving seasonal allergies. This herb can be beneficial in dealing with seasonal allergies.


Is It Possible to Get Rid of Seasonal Allergies Permanently?

The short answer to that question is, “It depends.” After your body has an allergic reaction to something, it now has memory cells that will “remember” how to produce antibodies to a specific allergen. 


To provoke an allergic reaction, IgE antibodies need to be present in the bloodstream. They kickstart the memory cells to produce antibodies and cause the reaction. If you have a prolonged period without contact with the allergen, your IgE antibody concentration may be too low to trigger an allergic reaction. Even if you come into contact with the allergen, your body may not react.


This can work for certain allergies more easily than others, such as certain foods or pet dander. It’s a bit more difficult for a pollen allergy because the allergen is present in so many places.


However, the best way to remedy seasonal allergies is to strengthen the immune system and focus on improving your overall health condition. This will help reduce allergy symptoms and, over time, may resolve the allergy itself as well. 


Of course, one of the best ways to do this is to take natural remedies for seasonal allergies.


The Best Supplements for Seasonal Allergies



This allergy supplement has a balanced blend of Albizia, Chinese Skullcap, and Nigella to support your body’s response to seasonal allergies. These traditional herbs have been used to support the respiratory tract function and maintain healthy skin and immune system. This particular blend contains the following active ingredients.


  • 100 mg Albizia stem bark
  • 200 mg Chinese Skullcap root
  • 100 mg Nigella Sativa (black cumin seed)


Used in Ayurvedic medicine, Albizia helps maintain healthy breathing and skin function. Chinese Skullcap helps relieve allergic symptoms of your eyes, throat, ears, and nose. And Black Cumin seed provides antioxidant properties to protect your cells from free radicals.


Allergy Blend

This natural remedy for seasonal allergies contains a formulation of Albizia, Echinacea, Eyebright, and Marshmallow root. It helps relieve seasonal allergies and support your immune system response. 


Albizia regulates histamine release and can reduce symptoms such as nasal irritation and sneezing. Echinacea supports the immune response by balancing the ratio of Th1 and Th2 T-cells. Eyebright contains astringent-tannins that can reduce mucous discharge and relieve itchy, watery eyes. Marshmallow root reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system, and can reduce respiratory symptoms.


Get expert help to manage your seasonal allergies.

Are you looking for help to deal with seasonal allergies? Allow Dr. Ann Doggett of Wholebody Solutions to help.


Dr. Ann has 30 years of experience in chiropractic care, nutrition counseling, and holistic medicine. Her areas of expertise include applied kinesiology, whole food supplementation, and energetic muscle testing.


She received her degree at the New York Chiropractic College and completed her master’s in human nutrition at the University of Bridgeport. She also received a certificate in practical herbal therapy from the Australian College of Phytotherapy.

If you wish to uncover and address the underlying causes of your stress, contact our practice by calling 617.328.6300 or sending an email to [email protected] 

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