Metal-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the presence of heavy metals. Besides homeopathically-prepared metals, the formula also contains homeopathically-prepared herbs such as barberry, milk thistle, and burdock. Practitioners find it helpful to use Drainage-Tone or Lymph-Tone I, II, or III with this product.
For symptoms such as hypersensitivity, difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, metallic taste in mouth, itching skin rashes, peeling skin, hair loss, twitching, joint pain, and back pain.†
Active Ingredients:
59.1 mL contains 2.77% of Allium cepa 6X; Allium sat 6X; Alpha-lipoic ac 12X; Alumina 15X, 30X; Arsenicum met 15X, 30X; Berber vulg 4X; Cadmium met 15X, 30X; Carduus mar 4X; Cetraria 12X; Cuprum met 15X, 30X; Cysteinum 12X; Glycyrrhiza 4X; Hepar suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Lappa 4X, 6X; Lycopodium 4X, 6X; Merc solub 15X; Nux vom 12X; Plantago 4X; Plumb met 15X, 30X; Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum 12X; Selenium 15X; Stillingia 4X; Thyroidinum 9X, 12X, 6C; Trifolium prat 4X; Zingiber officinale 6X.
Inactive Ingredients:
Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.
†Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.