Cleanse, Soothe and Detoxify Your Entire Digestive Tract Naturally
Intestinal Cleanse 2 is a safe, natural way to soothe and detoxify the intestinal tract.
Intestinal Cleanse 2 is a gentle yet powerful way to aid your body in removing an accumulation of wastes. It absorbs and removes heavy metals, gas and irritaing acid wastes. It is good for chronic or acute problems in the bowels. It contains natural clay, apple pectin and activated charcoal which neutralize acidic wastes, attract and bind heavy metals and other chemical residues, while pulling these all from the intestinal walls.
When wastes remain in the colon too long, toxic substances can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream and affect other organs as well. Relieving the overburden of wastes may enable nutrients to be better absorbed, with resulting increased energy. Removing acidic wastes in a timely way can help the body’s overall pH balance move to slightly more alkaline.
While the main job of Intestinal Cleanse 2 is to remove toxicity, it also may create helpful changes in bowel movements while cleansing.
The bulk of soluble and insoluble fiber and mucilage may help trigger bowel movements for many whose bowels are sluggish from a low fiber diet when 1 or 2 capsules are taken with at least two meals a day. This slow cleanse to remove toxicity from the bowels, can take 2-3 months.
On the other hand, the soluble fiber in Intestinal Cleanse 2 provides gentle bulk for solid bowel movements when they have been too loose, while the herbs are soothing to the mucus membranes and walls of the digestive tract.
Please note: Intestinal Cleanse 2 provides a different cleansing action than Intestinal Cleanse 1. While Intestinal Cleanse 1 provides stimulation to strengthen movement in the intestinal muscles so cleansing can occur, Intestinal Cleanse 2 provides absorbent bulk and binds irritants. For some people, the fiber in Intestinal Cleanse 2 will not trigger bowel movements and may even slow down the bowels. For those who need stimulus to the intestinal nerves to start peristalsis (contractions of the intestinal muscles), Intestinal Cleanse 1 is a better choice, or can be used in addtion.
Intestinal 1 and 2 are often used together in our 10 Day Cleanses or month-long Total Body Cleanses. In this cleansing, Intestinal Cleanse 2 is used in higher amounts daily to quickly and thoroughly absorb and bind irritants and unwanted materials, and scrub the intestinal walls clean. Intestinal Cleanse 1 keeps the bowels open during cleansing and makes sure everything is eliminated daily. A bag of 240 capsules is also available and perfect for these intensive cleanses.
Together you have a perfect combination to use to periodically detoxify! Separately, they each have their own individual uses.
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Psyllium husk*, Psyllium seed*, Bentonite Clay (Montmorillinite), Apple Fruit Pectin*, Flax seed*, Marshmallow root*, Slippery Elm bark*, Activated Charcoal, Fennel seed* and Peppermint leaf*. Other Ingredient: Kosher Gelatin capsule
Contains no sugar, no GMOs and no fillers. 90 capsules included.
The powerful, effective, natural ingredients in Intestinal Cleanse 2 work in harmony to cleanse and strengthen the digestive tract. The “Terrific Trio” of Bentonite Clay, Apple Fruit Pectin and Activated Charcoal work together to absorb, suspend, and neutralize toxic substances in the intestinal tract.
In support of the detoxifying ingredients, are these soothing herbs: Psyillium Seed and Husk, Flax Seed, Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Fennel Seed, and Peppermint.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your health practitioner if you have a health problem
Take 1 – 2 capsules twice daily with meals for gradual detoxification of chemical and metal residues. It may assist regularity as well.
2 to 3 capsules after a meal as needed can remedy occasional gas or bloating.
Take 5-6 capsules with 2 full cups of water, on an empty stomach, at least 1/2 before or 2-3 hours after eating for support during in case of stomach flu or other diarrhea. This amount is also used 3-5 times daily for a periodic 10 day cleanse, twice a year or as needed.
This formula absorbs liquid and expands to pull in and carry away toxins, so it requires plenty of water to do its work.
For a Detoxifying 7-10 Day Cleanse: Take 6 capsules, 3 times a day on an empty stomach – before breakfast, between meals, and before bed for 7-10 days. For the most benefit, this formula should be moving through your intestinal tract throughout the cleanse, all day and night, not sporadically. Intestinal Cleanse 1 is usually needed to ensure this amount of bulk is moved out of the body rapidly.
For deep detoxification and cleansing, this product can be used alone, or as part of the complete Intestinal Cleanse Program which includes our bowel activator, probiotic, mineral replacement and whole food supplement, along with a daily checklist and full instructions.
Many persons, especially those who have impaired digestion or parasites, may get better results with the Intestinal Cleanse 2 Powder than capsules because the powder will start work immediately to detoxify the digestive tract without needing to dissolve the capsules in your stomach.
Keep a bag of Intestinal Cleanse 2 powder to use at home, and take a bag of capsules to work or travel for convenience.
CAUTION: Taking this product without enough liquid may lead to constipation. Do not take in cases of bowel obstruction or narrowing.
NOTE: If intestinal narrowing is a concern (may have thin, narrow bowel movements), liquid Intestinal Cleanse 3 is a better choice to soften, loosen and gently push through accumulated waste.
Do not take medications at the same time of day as these can be absorbed and less effective. Consult a health professional before use if you are pregnant, nursing, take medications, or have a medical condition.