$23.65 – $72.60 - or subscribe
Canine Enteric Support is a supplement that supports dogs’ digestive system and supports the ability of their intestinal cells to regenerate.
A healthy digestive tract is critical to overall health and well-being. In addition to breakdown and absorption of nutrients, digestive health can also have a significant impact on other body systems (immune system, liver, bone marrow, or adrenal glands).
Canine Enteric Support contains a variety of functional foods, both plant and animal, that “feed” the various components of the digestive system to:
Indications for Use:
Each Serving Size (1/8 or 1/2 Level Teaspoon) contains: Ingredients: Porcine stomach, L-glutamine, porcine duodenum, porcine jejunum, defatted wheat germ, bovine liver, veal bone PMGTM extract, organic alfalfa (aerial parts) juice powder, bovine parotid PMGTM extract, bovine kidney, nutritional yeast, bovine liver PMGTM extract, bovine spleen, ovine spleen, bovine adrenal PMGTM extract, organic pea vine juice powder, bovine pancreas CytosolTM extract, organic carrot, organic oat flour, organic shiitake mushroom powder, organic reishi mushroom powder, bovine orchic extract, rice bran, bovine pancreas PMGTM extract, Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides), organic SP beet blend (organic swiss chard juice powder, organic beet (root), organic beet (leaf) juice powder), licorice (root), wheat germ oil, purified bovine bile salts, fat soluble extract from alfalfa (leaf) and sunflower seed, bovine parathyroid, bovine pituitary PMGTM extract, and calcium glycerophosphate.
Stated amounts depend on dose.